Power Hour: Part 5

Part 5: 15 Minutes on Customer Care

Without your customers you have nothing!!! You should be doing anything and everything you can to make sure that you have happy, loved customers!!!

What kinds of activities should happen during your Customer Care time?

– write thank you notes to ANYONE who ordered from a party, retail, or fundraiser.

-Send thank you to hostesses (yes she is a customer too right!?!?)

-Call/text/FB message/email: “Thanks for joining the party! Did you have fun? Do you have any questions for me?” “Just calling to make sure you received your products, and make sure everything is ok?” “Have you had a chance to get your wraps on? My worst fear is they are sitting under you bathroom sink!”

-get in touch with a VIP customer (or two), send a special message, nothing to do with Jamberry, just to say hello! Send them a little gift. Make them feel special!

-check on orders or shipping notices and send a text/message to some people waiting, just so they know you’re watching and taking care of them. They will really appreciate this!!!

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