One of the first things you want to do once you start your Jamberry journey is launch your business. Here are some ideas for those early days with your exciting new venture:

Share a photo of your fabulous nails to Facebook/Instagram/any other social media platform you use telling friends you are excited to be part of Jamberry.

*Offer to send samples to friends
*Set up a Facebook page for your business and invite friends to like
*Share your Facebook business page to your profile and ask friends to like and share
*Set a date for your launch party and invite friends and family
*Consider doing both an online and in home launch – this way you are getting audiences close to home and further way, even if you plan to focus on one type of party more so than the other in future
*Tell friends they are welcome to bring a friend to your launch
If you have different sets of friends where one time does not suit all, consider having several mini launch parties – invite smaller groups of friends over to do nails
*Take cataloges and samples everywhere you go and let people know you have started Jamberry and if they want a look

A successful launch will help you knock over both the 1st party and PRV goal for Fast Start 1. But how do you keep the momentum going?

Make sure you ask everyone who shows interest if they would like to host a party to earn some goodies and help you get started
Reach out to potential hostesses by sending them a text, private personal message or better still, picking up the phone and asking.

Aim to book at least 3 parties in your first month
Use booking games into your parties, both online and in home (ask me for ideas)
Give out catalogues and samples
Leave a catalog and your details in an employee lunch room or front desk
Ask family and friends to get word out
Have a market stall
Put an ad in your schools newsletter or similar
Send a catalogue to old work colleagues who may have moved
Door a door knock or letter box drop in your street
Talk to local schools, clubs and charities about doing a fundraiser
Offer a themed parties – Manicures and Margaritas, Mommy & Me, Christmas, etc
Participate in a vendor event
Hold a mystery host event online or in person to encourage orders and potential bookings
To keep your bookings and sales going, you need to move out of your warm market as fast as you can because there is only so many people in your warm market who will be able to host and buy before they are all stocked up on jams (for the time being) so if you can start making contacts that are not in your immediate circle, this can lead to far more opportunities and get you hitting those fast start sales and party goals quickly!

But then there is the part about recruits…

While team building is not essential to your Jamberry success, it can certainly help amplify your earnings. Not only this, but having a team to support also helps keep your motivation flowing because you will always want to stay a step ahead of them, while helping them reach their own potential.

In order to hit all 3 of your fast starts, you need to sponsor two team members. Thankfully this can come when you least expect it, but there are many ways to help you find those fellow Jam-fans to join your team.

This goes for parties as well as recruits, but never assume someone is not interested. That is not to say you need to give every single person you meet a recruiting speech… in fact, don’t. It will rarely work. It means make sure you do not rule a person out just on assumption. If you ask a guest at a party if they are interesting in learning more about the Jamberry opportunity, the worst they can say is no. No biggie!

Here are some ideas for finding sponsors:

*Be enthusiastic about the Jamberry opportunity – enthusiasm is infectious!
*Talk about how it fits into your life – around kids, around other work, as an extra income source, helps you make new friends etc
Jam loving customers
*Hostesses – especially if they earn a 25 or 50% off kit credit and you already know they love the products if they are hosting
*Someone needing a flexible way to make some extra money
*A friend who wants to share the journey with you – joining with a friend can help motivate you both towards higher success plus it means someone to go to all the cool events with!
*Friends who love doing their nails
* Stay at home momfriends
* Guests who ask lots of questions
* By planting subtle ‘seeds’
But remember not to overwhelm anyone who shows interest with an excess of information. You don’t want to scare them away… no matter how excited you are at the prospect of a Jam-baby and getting those fast start bonuses. Give them a few of the basics and how it has fit so well into your life, and then let them ask questions.

Make sure you set goals right from day one of your business. Even if you don’t quite hit your goals by the deadline, you’re going to be much closer to it than you were if you hadn’t tried at all… so aim high and reach for the stars!

Not a Jamberry consultant yet? You can learn more about joining here.

The Jamberry Fast Start is aimed at giving you success and you can do it!!

Plus you will get even more rewards if you become a triple fast start achiever… including a pretty pin. We all like pretties!

Good luck!